
Benny joined the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) in the summer of 2011 where he was trained and qualified as a sharpshooter. After finishing his volunteer service in 2012, he started doing research on the firearms laws and community in Canada culminating with getting his license in 2015.

Benny has taken a couple of courses since getting his PAL including F.A.S.T. Basic Handgun course, Ragnarok Carbine Operators Course, and earning his Rifleman Patch from Project Mapleseed.


  • Accomplishments

    -> Club Level Instructor - Canadian Shooting Sports Association

    -> Range Officer - Canadian Shooting Sports Association

    -> Carbine Operator Course - Ragnarok Tactical

    -> Rifleman Patch - Project Mapleseed

    -> Hunter Safety Course - Ontario Hunter Education Program

    -> Fire Arts Solutions Training (FAST) - Rik Woods

    -> Possession and Acquisition License (Non-Restricted & Restricted) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police